competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Friday, June 25, 2021

competition in focus yearly 2021

 competition in focus yearly 2021

competition in focus yearly 2021 Published this article The electronics sector will have to adapt operations to one reduce virgin material usage and second build technologies around greater extraction and recycling capabilities. Process designs should be revolutionized to find alternatives to existing practices to not unsustainably extract rare earth resources. It is pertinent to reduce environmental impacts throughout company operations from materials and energy used to make commodities right through to global take-back programs for old products. Incentivising such takeback programs introducing deposit refund systems and trading credits or discounts for the exchange value of products by sector conglomerates will induce a natural ecosystem of waste collection and disposal. Deposit refund systems can further create inventories of total waste generated and recycling capacity. This guides our supply side gap assessment results and is tabulated. competition in focus yearly 2021

competition in focus yearly 2021

competition in focus current magazine

 competition in focus current magazine 

competition in focus current magazine Published this article  On the demand side as per the Neo-Malthusian school of thought it is important to build such collection capacities in as decentralized a manner as possible. This has many benefits to its adoption

1. It reduces the overall carbon footprint of the recycling facility as the size will be commensurate to local population needs.

2. Being locally accessible will generate greater usage of the facility and empower people to influence formal market channels of waste collection. This reduces tendencies of recycler monopoly and allows a laissez faire market to operate which in turn benefits both consumer and manufacturer who can pick from variety of local alternatives to opt for disposing their e-goods. This alone is the strongest approach in tackling waste management issues. 3. Localisation of recycling facilities also reduces transport and energy cost. Further people should be made aware of the trade-offs between sustainability and consumerism through both industry campaigns and media networks. competition in focus current magazine

competition in focus current magazine