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Thursday, August 5, 2021

gktoday current affairs august 2020

 gktoday current affairs august 2020

gktoday current affairs august 2020 Published this article :  As anyone who has opened a newspaper or watched the news over the past few years knows the Islamic Republic of Iran has been pursuing nuclear capability. Irans government insists its only goal is to develop nuclear power plants that would not threaten anyone. The United Nations though is concerned Iran might instead covet nuclear weapons. The United States is convinced that is the case. In any event for an aggressive and fanatical theocracy such as Iran to research nuclear technology is worrisome. This is especially true in light of statements by Irans current president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad declaring he would share nuclear capability with other repressive Muslim nations and wishing for the destruction of Israel. So what can the United States do about the situation? To answer that question knowledge of Irans historical circumstances as well as of the history of its nuclear program is essential Historical Background</b> To predict how Iran will react to an American or UN stratagem one must consider the history that will inform Iranian actions. This history is one of both foreign exploitation and increasing clerical power. The 19th century would be a good point at which to begin telling the tale. Fath Ali Shah the first sovereign of the Qajar dynasty ruled from 1797 to 1834. gktoday current affairs august 2020

 gktoday current affairs august 2020

banking services chronicle magazine pdf in english november 2019

banking services chronicle magazine pdf in english november 2019

banking services chronicle magazine pdf in english november 2019  Published this article page no  A criminal background search is a great tool to use for hiring purposes. If own a company or work in a human resources department you should definitely look into using a background check company in order to make sure that you are not hiring criminals. Background check companies are skilled at finding criminal information on applicants that you may be thinking about hiring. The only thing that you need to do as a company to get set up is get your applicants to sign a waiver that states that you can run a background check on them. At this point all you need to do then is find a company that will actually do the search. This is not difficult and can be done by running a simple internet search. After finding the right company for you they can explain what searches are the best for which employees and situation. These background check companies are skilled at performing searches and have all of the necessary resources and contacts to provide you with accurate reports. A criminal background search can be had for a relatively cheap cost. You can run a national criminal database search for as little as $10 on each applicant. This will pull criminal information from every state and will allow you to see if the person you are considering has a criminal record. You can also get more in depth by running a state county or federal criminal search. The best thing to do is to contact a background search company and let them walk you through it. They are the experts in the business and will be able to help you in getting set up. This is a process that every company should consider putting into place. It can save you a lot of hassle in the future. banking services chronicle magazine pdf in english november 2019

banking services chronicle magazine pdf in english november 2019

banking service chronicle latest edition

banking service chronicle latest edition

banking service chronicle latest edition  Published this article page no  Alcohol addiction is a serious disease. Not only can it tear a family apart and lead to financial ruin it can also lead to the premature death of the alcoholic. Therefore it is vital for person suffering from this disease to find help immediately. Without help it is nearly impossible for a person with an alcohol addiction to recover and return to a normal healthy life. * Choosing the Right Alcohol Rehab Center An alcohol rehab center is the best source for a person looking for assistance with addiction recovery. Therefore it is necessary to determine the type of rehab center best suited to the individuals needs. There are two forms of help a person with an alcohol addiction can receive from a rehab center inpatient and outpatient. With inpatient treatment the patient remains on the premises of the alcohol rehab center. Outpatient treatment on the other hand permits the individual to continue with his or her regular life while still reporting to the rehab center for assistance and guidance. The majority of alcohol rehab centers offer both forms of treatment. * The Support of an Alcohol Rehab Center Regardless of the type of program the person with an alcohol addiction follows the basics of alcohol rehab remain the same. In all cases the addiction and other difficulties the patient faces are kept confidential. In addition the rehab center will also include five primary components a medical evaluation a psychological evaluation therapy detox and extended care. * The Medical Evaluation The medical evaluation conducted by the alcohol rehab center is meant to help the staff identify any physical problems the person with an alcohol addiction may have. Often these physical problems are actually caused by the alcohol addiction. Problems with the liver for example may have developed as a result of the addiction. After medical problems have been identified the staff of the rehab center can work toward making the patient physically healthy once more. Improving the patients physical health is an important component of addiction recovery. This is because it takes a holistic approach to get an addict back on the road toward recovery. This includes taking care of the patients physical mental and emotional health. Without this three-pronged approach the patient is more likely to fail in the process of addiction recovery. * The Psychological Evaluation The psychological evaluation also provides the staff of the rehab center with volumes of important information about the patient. The psychological evaluation helps the team better understand the patient. In addition the team of specialists can determine whether the person suffering from alcohol addiction is also struggling from certain psychological problems. For example it is common for a person suffering from alcohol addiction to also suffer from depression. If this is the case the program developed to assist the patient will also include a plan to address this issue. * Therapy Generally an alcohol rehab center will provide both group and individual therapy to its patients. The group therapy is designed to give the person with an alcohol addiction support from others who are experiencing the same difficulties. Being able to share in the struggles with those who can truly understand often makes the process easier for a patient to deal with. Nonetheless individual counseling is also critical to addiction recovery. Having the opportunity to work one-on-one with a counselor helps the patient work through his or her own individual conflicts. Through individual therapy the patient can come to terms with his or her addiction and work through ways to resolve it by setting individual goals. * Detoxification In addition the medical and physical evaluations patients of alcohol rehab centers generally undergo a 24-hour medically supervised detoxification and withdrawal period. During this period the patient is forced to go without alcohol. For many patients coping with alcohol addiction this may be the longest time they have gone without alcohol in many years. The detoxification period is difficult for the person suffering from alcohol addiction because it is accompanied by extreme withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms take their toll on the patient both physically and mentally. For this reason an alcohol rehab center also provides close patient monitoring and assistance during this period. * Extended Care Extended care which is also sometimes referred to as aftercare is vital to the success of addiction recovery. Through an extended care program the patient continues to receive support and assistance from the alcohol rehab center after being released from the more intensive alcohol rehab program. Extended care programs are designed to help monitor the patients success in alcohol addiction recovery. To do this appropriately the program staff watch over the patient to be sure he or she is utilizing the new skills gained during rehab. For instance the extended care specialist may work with the patient to be sure he or she is staying away from specific crowds of people that encourage drinking. Or the extended care specialist may check to be sure the patient is utilizing appropriate resistance skills. Without a strong extended care program it is easy for the patient to fall back into the cycle of abuse. banking service chronicle latest edition

banking service chronicle latest edition