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Monday, March 21, 2022

Meri saheli magazine

Meri saheli magazine

Meri saheli magazine Published this article page no 12 Many a person, myself included, has gone on and on about the benefits of solar energy. While theoretical arguments are always interesting, what about daily applications? Uses for Solar In Every Day Life Solar energy is an important advance in the effort to save the environment. Perhaps the most easily usable and most convenient of the renewable energy sources (which also include wind and water), solar energy has been used since the beginning of time as a heating source. In the 1830s one of the other solar energy platforms was developed, as a solar energy cooker was used on a safari. Since then, many other solar energy applications have been formulated, and almost everyone can take advantage of one of these. One of the most common of the solar energy application is to use it as a power source. Since the 1970s, many people have been putting solar collectors on their roofs and using the resulting collected power to run their households. While having enough solar collectors to obtain power that will run an entire house may not be common, it is becoming more so. Most of these types of solar powered homes run their appliances and other needs directly off the solar collectors power during the day, and use power that was stored from the solar cells in batteries at night. In this way, the homeowner can avoid ever having to use power that was generated by a non-renewable resource. Another of the common solar energy applications is to use solar power to heat your hot water. These systems can either use passive solar energy (in the case of heating a tank of water by leaving it out in the sun) or by using solar collectors with a heat transfer fluid. These systems require the homeowner to install solar panels, behind which run tubes filled with fluid. These tubes collect the heat from the sun and transfer it into the fluid – these tubes, filled with the heated fluid, then run around a water storage system, and the heat from the fluid is transferred into the water.  Another way is to have water running through the tubing and have it obtain the suns heat directly -  this heated water is then pumped into swimming pools, so that pool owners dont need to run a pool heater to keep their water warm. In the last 10 to 15 years, solar manufacturers have started to develop new, creative applications for solar power. One development is the portable solar panel, a popular product used on rvs by vacationers. On a smaller scale, there are solar panel packs that fold out like a small ledger and are used to power up anything from laptops to cell phones. As time passes, new products along this line are expected to continue to come on the market. It doesnt matter which of the solar energy applications you choose to implement in your own home or life – even a small change to solar power over traditional power sources can help the environment. The more we can use solar energy, the less dependent we become on non-renewable resources, and the more we help the Earth meri saheli magazine subscription buy.

Meri saheli magazine

Junior science refresher

Junior science refresher

Junior science refresher Published this article page no 10 One conservation group has worked to help ensure that elephants are not forgotten-and recently, it has celebrated some enormous successes. On April 6, 2006, a healthy, 295-pound, female Asian elephant named Mable was born at the Ringling Bros. And Barnum & Bailey Center for Elephant Conservation® (CEC) in central Florida. The $5 million breeding and retirement facility was founded by Ringling Bros. To help conserve and study Asian elephants. This year marks the 11th anniversary of the CEC. Built in 1995, the Ringling Bros. CEC is a 200-acre, state-of-the-art facility that looks after new and retired circus elephants. Elephants in the wild are threatened by poachers-many of whom hunt the animals for their ivory tusks-and by the destruction of their natural habitat. Its believed that facilities such as the Ringling Bros. CEC could help elephants thrive once again. The Ringling Bros. CEC also welcomes conservation researchers and scientists, such as Bets Rasmussen of the University of Oregon, who is studying elephant pheromones, which are emitted by older male elephants and influence both a female elephants interest in mating and how other surrounding elephants behave. The Ringling Bros. CEC facility is considered to be among the most accomplished Asian elephant breeding programs outside of Southeast Asia and it is dedicated to the reproduction, research and retirement of the endangered Asian elephant. To date, 20 Asian elephants have been born at the facility, including Irvin and Aree, both arriving just last year. The pachyderms will enjoy a life of fine dining at the preserve (the elephants there eat about 2.5 tons of hay daily). Just as important, though, the elephants could help people learn more about the species. Scientists say elephant numbers are dwindling worldwide. In fact, its estimated that only 35,000 Asian elephants are left on the planet junior science refresher magazine buy.

Junior science refresher

junior science refresher

junior science refresher

junior science refresher Published this article page no 09 The tropical rainforest is a unique ecosystem that is home to many plants and animals, in fact more plants and animals than we even know about. The plants found in the tropical rainforest produce much of the oxygen that is essential for our planet. In addition, many of the plants have unique healing properties against illness and disease. Tropical rainforest is home to many rare animal species such as the Brazilian Tapir, found only in some areas of South America. Brazilian Tapir is a mammal which likes to live near water swimming and diving, feeding on leaves and small branches. Being naturally afraid of anything larger than itself it is harmless to man. It likes to live mainly near the lakes and ponds that are present in the tropical rainforest. Besides this there are many other unique animals that have made this beautiful rainforest their home. There are also many varieties of birds to be found in the rainforest. One such bird is the Crested Guan, which can be found on the northern tip of South America. This bird lives in the tall trees of the rainforest and lives off of the seeds and fruits that are available on the floor of the tropical rainforest. After animals and birds it is the turn of the reptiles. One unusual reptile species is the reptile called "Flying Dragon" found in the forests of Indonesia and the Philippines. It derives its name from the fact that it can fly from one tree to another with its skin flaps. It lives on insects and ants. This forest also has another use for these reptiles. At breeding time, these reptiles bury their eggs in the fertile soil of the rainforest to breed. The Slow Loris is another animal that is unique to the tropical rainforest. This animal will spend most of his day in the tops of trees sleeping quietly. At night youll find him feeding on shoots and leaves, small birds, birds eggs, and insects that he finds on the ground.  The Loris is a very slow mover but youll rarely see him stumble as he makes his way from tree top to the forest floor. You might even see him hanging upside down from his feet. You will also find numerous varieties of snakes in these rainforest. One such variety is called the Vine Snake. It gets its name from the fact this snake has only half inch diameter thickness. Another factor is its ability to swing from one side to another, like a vine in wind, when frightened for example in a situation when it is stalked by a predator. It is found mainly in central and northern South America. It feeds on lizards and small birds. These small birds are often stolen by these snakes from their nests. While the lizards are got either from the trees or running on the forest floor Besides these the tropical rainforest is filled with numerous native animals. The tropical rainforest is a beautiful environment which at times could get harsh. As a result many of these animals have specific features to deal with and survive in these harsh conditions. The wonders of this rainforest, information about plants and animals continues to amaze us day by day as it is revealed junior science refresher magazine buy.

junior science refresher