competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Arihant current affairs magazine

Arihant current affairs magazine

Arihant current affairs magazine this article was published in the magazine cities alive designing cities that work for women report  released by by united nations development programme.  report stresses the need to directly engage women in decision-making processes across all aspects of urban planning and development. Arihant current affairs magazine monthly key challenges faced by women safety and security unsafe streets and public spaces reduced mobility due to safety concerns disproportionate exposure to climate hazard.32% of women survey respondents feel unsafe in public spaces at night. justice and equity limited gender equity in urban governance limited voice in decision-making and leadership.just 29% of women in business globally are in senior decision-making positions health and wellbeing inadequate public spaces inadequate healthcare water hygiene etc.76% of female respondents feel lack of safe routes as a barrier to their health and wellbeing Arihant monthly current affairs magazine subscription.

Arihant current affairs magazine

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Junior science refresher magazine

Junior science refresher magazine

Junior science refresher magazine this article was published in magazine  sustainable consumption through its life initiative india encourages mindful and deliberate utilization to protect and preserve the environment which is in line with the frameworks target 16 on sustainable consumption. digital sequencing information india wants dsi to be linked to access and benefit sharing in a just and fair manner. Junior science refresher magazine subscription doing so will ensure flow of funds from users such as biotechnology companies which access its biodiversity and related genetic information to help the indigenous communities Junior science refresher magazine subscription price.

Junior science refresher magazine

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Competition refresher magazine

Competition refresher magazine

Competition refresher magazine published this article page no 7 this article was published in december engaging the private sector to make social sector projects more lucrative there is a need to improve the risk-return framework provide financial support and develop innovative financing models to increase private partnership. use of instruments such as social impact bonds a social impact bond (sib) is a contract with the public sector or governing authority whereby it pays for better social outcomes in certain areas and passes on part of the savings achieved to investors. competition refresher magazine pdf encouraging technology adoption bridging the digital divide by improving telecommunication networks in underserved and unserved areas to provideo affordable and reliable broadband internet access driving the availability of internet enabled devices enhance digital literacy are the key to ensure universal affordable access to social services and enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of public service delivery. setting and monitoring standards to ensure reliability affordability and accessibility of services. better convergence and coordination among ministries for effective implementation of initiatives competition refresher magazine subscription.

Competition refresher magazine

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine published this article page no 14 this article was published in december overall reduction in prs may be attributed to development of infrastructure for sewage management industrial effluent management waste management and enforcement of regulations etc. bod exceeding 3.0 mg/l (milligram per litre) are identified as polluted locations or prs. recommendations stringent actions are required for control of organic pollution from various point sources of pollution. shine india monthly magazine telugu treatment of wastewater before discharge into recipient water bodies. effective public participation is required for effective water quality management in india. entire urban areas need to be covered with sewerage system and need to ensure treatment of entire wastewater generated. ecological flow shall be made mandatory in all stretches and to be ensured by respective state authorities state government shall finalize the list of prohibited activities and restricted bod shine india monthly magazine subscription

Shine india monthly magazine

Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle 

Banking service chronicle published this article page no 3 this article was published in december additional costs will be passed on to the consumers eventually. there is also the possibility that the cbam may violate world trade organization (wto) rules. Banking service chronicle magazine companies in the sectors covered are allowed a limited number of free emissions allowances and must pay for permits for any emissions beyond this Banking service chronicle magazine subscription.

Banking service chronicle 

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine 

shine india monthly magazine published this article page no 10 this article was published in the magazine biological diversity (amendment) act 2021 why in news the biological diversity (amendment) act 2021 was recently introduced in lok sabha and then referred to a joint parliamentary committee (jpc). about biological diversity act 2002 it was enacted to provide for the conservation of biological diversity sustainable use of its components and fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the use of biological resources and knowledge. aim to fulfill indias obligations under the convention of biological diversity and nagoya protocol on access and benefit sharing. shine india monthly magazine telugu it provides for a decentralized three-tiered mechanism (see infographic) for implementation of the act. biodiversity management committees (bmc) are responsible for preparing peoples biodiversity registers which keep a record of all flora and fauna including details of traditional knowledge available in their region. 45 key provisions of the proposed amendments shine india monthly magazine subscription

shine india monthly magazine 

Saturday, February 3, 2024

competition refresher magazine

competition refresher magazine

competition refresher magazine published this article page no 12 this article can be seen in the magazine tripura government released tripura agarwood policy 2021 to make its agarwood industry a rs. 20 billion industry in the next 5 years.  agarwood is an evergreen tree found in northeastern india (with assam and tripura as main regions) and other parts of the world. 76  agarwood is an aromatic plant producing highly valued resinous wood commonly used for medicinal aromatic and religious purposes such as perfume making agarbatti etc.  iucn status critically endangered newly discovered species allium negianum  a plant discovered in uttarakhand in 2019 has been confirmed as a new species of allium the genus that includes many staple foods such as onion and garlic. although new to science the species has long been known under domestic cultivation to local communities. competition refresher magazine pdf with a narrow distribution this newly described species is restricted to the region of western himalayas and hasnt yet been reported from anywhere else in the world. tibetan woolly flying squirrel and the yunnan woolly flying squirrel  recently 2 new species of woolly flying squirrels named tibetan woolly flying squirrel (eupetaurustibetensis) and the yunnan woolly flying squirrel (eupetaurusnivamons) has been found in himalayas.  the woolly flying squirrel (eupetaurus cinereus) is listed as an endangered species by the international union for conservation of nature (iucn) competition refresher magazine subscription.  

competition refresher magazine

Monday, January 29, 2024

competition refresher magazine

competition refresher magazine

competition refresher magazine published this article page no 15 this article was published in magazine  require huge support for amendments to enter into force they need to have a two-thirds vote of support in un general assembly and two-thirds of assemblys member states including p-5 ratified them.  lack of consensus though there is consensus that council should be expanded substantial disagreements remain regarding the particulars. un charter has failed to provide criteria to become a permanent member of un security council.  lack of support from p5 in past the u.s. voiced concern that enlargement could further weaken effectiveness of council. o this problem will grow if new permanent members also are granted veto power. competition refresher magazine pdf proposals to eliminate or limit veto through charter amendment will be received sceptically by current p5. 14way forward  expansion of un the secretary-generals recommendation to focus reforms on three pillars—the un development system peace and security and management—should be seen as a serious contribution to a process of change. the security council including its permanent membership should be enlarged to grant broader regional representation competition refresher magazine subscription

competition refresher magazine

Friday, January 19, 2024

Mahindra current affairs magazine

Mahindra current affairs magazine 

Mahindra current affairs magazine this article can be seen in the magazine power to make rules the act empowers central government to make rules for carrying out the provisions of this act.  definition of non- forest purpose it means the breaking up or clearing of any forest land for the cultivation of tea coffee spices medicinal plants etc. and for any purpose other than reforestation.  non-forest purposes dont include work relating or ancillary to conservation development and management of forests and wildlife like establishment of check-posts fire lines wireless communications and construction of fencing etc.  constitution of advisory committee the central government may constitute a committee consisting to advise that government for the grant of approval and any other matter connected with the conservation of forests.  penalties contravention of any of the provisions of the act is punishable imprisonment of upto fifteen days.  offences by the authorities and government departments are punishable as well.  appeal any person aggrieved may file an appeal to the national green tribunal. proposed amendments scope of the act  to define forests in an objective manner. land acquired before 1980  exempt unused land with vegetation acquired by various ministries including ministry of road railway defense etc. before 1980 for construction/expansion purposes from the purview of the act. differences in land records of forests  revenue records to be statutorily required to reflect the occupier and the nature of land including forest.  lands identified as plantation afforestation etc. after 12.12.1996 to remain outside the purview of the act to encourage forestry activities mahendra current affairs magazine free download

Mahindra current affairs magazine 

competition refresher magazine

competition refresher magazine

competition refresher magazine this article can be seen in the magazine about dragonfly o they are highly sensitive indicators of the state of freshwater ecosystems. o major threats to them include clearing of forests for residential and commercial construction disruption to river flow as a result of hydropower plant dam and reservoir construction and water extraction for agriculture. malayan giant squirrel  a first-of-its-kind study by the zoological survey of india (zsi) has projected that numbers of the malayan giant squirrel (ratufa bicolor) could decline by 90 percent in india by 2050.  competition refresher magazine pdf habitat currently found in parts of west bengal sikkim assam arunachal pradesh meghalaya and nagaland. o the malayan giant squirrel is also distributed through southern china thailand laos vietnam burma the malayan peninsula sumatra and java.  the malayan giant squirrel is one of the worlds largest squirrel species that has a dark upper body pale underparts and a long bushy tail competition refresher magazine subscription.  

competition refresher magazine

Thursday, January 4, 2024

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine published this article page no 11 coastal areas are of vital importance due to the increasing human population and accelerated developmental activities near coasts. about 20% of the indian population resides in the coastal area. the developmental activities have put tremendous pressure on the fragile coastal environment. coastal erosion is wearing away and redistributing solid elements of the shoreline as well as sediment normally by such natural forces as waves tidal and littoral currents and deflation. kerala is the state which is worst affected by coastal erosion in india. shine india monthly magazine telugu in the original assessment in the 1960s about 57% of the coastline was identified as vulnerable.  later it was found that karnataka and maharashtra were also affected badly by sea erosion.  the french initiated the first anti-sea erosion measure in puducherry in the early 1920s when a 1.75 km long retaining wall was constructed along the urban coastline in puducherry shine india monthly magazine subscription.

shine india monthly magazine